Yin Yoga Poses For Beginners: The 7 Yin Postures To Learn First

According to the ancient yogic texts of Patanjali, Lord Shiva taught an astounding 8,400,000 yoga postures! But not to worry—since this article is about about Yin yoga poses, there are only seven foundational Yin yoga poses for beginners that you should learn first.

In a Yin yoga class, you won't practice nearly as many asanas as in a Vinyasa yoga class, where you're transitioning from pose to pose with each breath. And because Yin yoga involves intentional long holds, the basic Yin poses may be easier to remember than those of some other styles of yoga.

Now, this does not mean Yin yoga is any easier! Many would say it is actually more difficult, and I agree. However, memorizing beginner Yin poses is easier because there are only seven main Yin yoga asanas. Of course, there are many variations of each one, but first, let's look at the foundational Yin yoga poses for beginners that you should learn before moving on to advanced variations.

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What is Yin yoga?

Yin yoga is a slow style of yoga characterized by its long holds that work deep into the fascia and tendons. Yin yoga postures are typically held for several minutes and often include various Yin yoga props, including bolster pillows, blocks, straps, and blankets, to relieve the strain on the bones and muscles and allow the body to ease into the postures with structural support.

Other Yang styles of yoga may focus on muscle strengthening or lengthening, while Yin focuses on joints, ligaments, tendons, and even bones.

Woman practicing Yin yoga Twist pose on her livingroom floor in front of the fireplace. Make.

A brief history of Yin yoga

Surprisingly, Yin yoga is a relatively newer form of yoga. Paulie Zink brought Yin yoga to North America in the 1970s, and American yogi Paul Grilley adapted it to be the modern-day variation practiced today. That said, for the most part, people refer to Paul Grilley as the founder of Yin yoga.

Paul Grilley defines it as having seven archetypal poses. But as I mentioned earlier, even though Yin yoga has seven archetypal poses, each asana has several variations.

Ideally, Yin yoga is meant to complement other, more vigorous forms of yoga and/or exercise. Although Yin yoga is enormously beneficial, it is widely agreed that cardio and strengthening would complement it well for a balanced body.

The 7 Yin poses beginners should learn first

Seven archetypal poses stand out in the practice of Yin Yoga for their unique benefits and targeted areas of focus. These foundational poses include Shoelace, Saddle, Caterpillar, Dragonfly, Twist, Dog, and Dragon.

Each posture is designed to deeply stretch and open specific parts of the body, promoting flexibility, relaxation, and a deep sense of inner calm. Together, these foundational Yin Yoga poses create a comprehensive practice that nurtures the body and the mind and are essential poses for beginner or advanced Yin yoga practitioners. The seven beginner Yin yoga poses are:

  1. Shoelace pose
  2. Saddle pose
  3. Caterpillar pose
  4. Dragonfly pose
  5. Twist pose
  6. Dog pose
  7. Dragon pose

1. Shoelace pose

Woman sitting upright with her knees stacked on top of each other doing Yin yoga shoelace pose.
Shoelace pose Yin yoga

Shoelace pose is a very deep hip opening Yin yoga posture. There are many ways to get into this posture, but one that I find is the easiest is to first begin by first getting on your hands and knees. Then cross one leg behind the other before sitting back into the posture. Yin yoga shoelace pose may not be accessible for some people for various reasons – tight hips or knee contraindications, for example. Beginners may find sitting on a bolster to be very helpful in relieving pressure in the hips. If your knees are not stacking over one another, don't worry, that takes time.

2. Saddle pose

Woman lying on her back doing Yin yoga saddle pose.
Saddle pose Yin yoga

Saddle pose is a great hip-flexor and quadricep stretch. The easiest way to move into the Yin yoga Saddle posture is to simply sit upright on your shins and then lean all the way back, allowing for a natural curvature of the spine. Tight knees could make getting into this posture a challenge, but as with every Yin yoga posture, slow is the way to go when it comes to moving into the pose.

3. Caterpillar pose

Woman stretching over her legs doing Yin yoga caterpillar pose.
Caterpillar pose Yin yoga

Caterpillar pose is a seated straight-legged forward bend that focuses on stretching the ligaments in the back of the spine.

Most people can easily get into some version of Yin yoga Caterpillar pose by simply sitting on the floor and putting their legs out straight in front.

But how far a person can go into the asana will depend in part on outer hip, hamstring, and low back flexibility. Notice how the back is more rounded in this variation than in other styles of yoga.

4. Dragonfly pose

Woman sitting on the ground in Yin yoga dragonfly pose.
Dragonfly pose Yin yoga

Dragonfly pose is a juicy wide-legged straddle forward fold. This Yin yoga pose targets the backs of the thighs (hamstrings), hips, inner groin, and inner knees.

Yin yoga Dragonfly pose is a challenging posture for many people as tight groin muscles can be quite restricting. Even after a couple of minutes in this pose, you may find yourself able to get much much deeper than when you first sat into the pose.

5. Twist pose

Woman lying on her back with one leg stretching over the side of her body doing Twist Yin yoga pose.
Twist Yin yoga

Twist pose is a lower cross-body twist where the knees fall to one side while the body is open to the other side, very similar to a Supine twist.

Yin yoga twists are thought of as postures that “clean” or purify the organs, and this twist, in particular, can also help to release the lower back and open up the shoulders.

This is likely a fairly easy posture for most people, although how far the twisting knee is able to get towards to floor may be greatly different for different people.

6. Dog pose

Woman in downward dog facing yoga position doing Yin yoga dog pose.
Dog pose Yin yoga

Dog pose is thought of to be more of a Yang yoga posture versus a Yin yoga posture, and if you practice Yang styles of yoga you’ve been in Dog or Downward Facing Dog many many times!

Yin yoga Dog pose is fantastic for stretching the entire backs of the legs and for building strength in the shoulders.

Most people can get into some variation of this pose, but tight calves and hamstrings may make touching the ground with the heel of the foot impossible. If this is the case, bending your knees might be something to consider.

7. Dragon pose

Woman lunging with one leg forward and bent doing Yin yoga dragon pose.
Dragon pose Yin yoga

Dragon pose is a posture that releases the hip sockets and gives a nice stretch to the quadriceps and hip flexors. Yin yoga Dragon pose is very similar to Low Lunge or Anjaneyasana.

7 beginner Yin yoga poses:
1. Shoelace pose
2. Saddle pose
3. Caterpillar pose 
4. Dragonfly pose
5. Dragon pose 
6. Dog pose  
7. Twist pose

Interestingly, many Yin poses are very similar to Hatha poses. At a quick glance, they may even appear to look exactly the same as the asanas you might commonly practice in Hatha or Vinyasa yoga classes.

Sleeping Swan, for example, is very similar to the Pigeon Pose that's practiced in Hatha yoga, and Yin’s Dragon pose is quite like Low Lunge (or Anjaneyasana in Sanskrit). And there are many more examples of Yin postures that nearly mirror poses from other styles of yoga.

However, look for the subtle differences between Yin and Yang variations of poses because they are certainly there.

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Takeaway on beginner Yin yoga poses

The Yin practice is highly recommended to offset all of the Yang we experience in life on and off the mat!

Learning the Yin yoga poses for beginners described above will set the foundation for your Yin practice to evolve. From there, you can move into modifications and variations, but of course, a strong foundation is where it all begins.

FAQ about Yin yoga

Can a beginner do Yin yoga?

Absolutely. In fact, I think Yin yoga is one of the most beginner-friendly types of yoga that exists. That's not to say that Yin yoga is not difficult, but because of Yin's long holds and simplicity in nature, it is less complex than other types of yoga.

How long should you hold a yin pose?

Yin yoga poses are most often held for 3-5 minutes.

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Yin Yoga Poses For Beginners: The 7 Yin Postures To Learn First
Yin Yoga Poses For Beginners: The 7 Yin Postures To Learn First


Heather Jacoby
Heather Jacoby

Heather is a Certified Yoga Teacher the visionary behind The Yogatique, her passion project. She created The Yogatique to help yogis & other growth-oriented individuals discover premium high quality trainings and classes in the yoga & wellness space. Heather is a RYT-200 and a practicing yogi of more than 15 years. She is also a global citizen who has been living abroad for 10 years. Her passions include health & fitness, studying healthspan & longevity, exploring the road less traveled, & SEO. Heather can be reached at heatherj@theyogatique.com, or you can connect with Heather on LinkedIn.

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