Face Yoga for Anti Aging: Revitalize Your Skin & Look Younger Naturally

In my early twenties, I always looked younger than I was, so anti-aging never crossed my mind. However, as soon as I hit 30, everything changed and it was then that I started researching face yoga for anti aging.

I suddenly found lines appearing all over my face, first between the eyebrows, the outer corners of the eyes, then the forehead.

Needless to say, I panicked and spent hours Googling the best techniques for younger-looking skin. However, chemical-laden anti-aging products and botox didn't appeal to me.

Then I had a realization. As a yoga teacher and practitioner of over 10 years, I had completely neglected my facial muscles. So, wanting to stop aging in its tracks, I immediately started practicing face yoga for anti-aging.

If you're wondering if face yoga can really make you look younger, read on. Drawing from my experience with facial yoga, I'm sharing simple facial exercises you can try today. 

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Face yoga for beginners

If you're trying face yoga for the first time, you'll surely want to know how long it takes to see results. Facial yoga doesn't bring overnight results, but you only need to spend a few minutes doing the exercises daily.

I first started seeing results from facial yoga after about 2 weeks. However, after a few sessions, I already noticed my skin looked brighter and had a healthy glow. 

That said, the more you do it, the more results you will see. Thus facial yoga is not something you do just for a few weeks and then stop. Many facial exercise experts say you can see a significant age reduction after practicing for 6 to 9 months (I haven't reached that milestone yet, so I'm eagerly waiting to see if this is true).

Face yoga for glowing skin 

While many people practice it to reduce signs of aging, face yoga has many other benefits. For example, face yoga improves blood circulation and enhances the skin's lymphatic system. This helps remove toxins, prevent acne, reduce puffiness, and give an overall healthy glow.

So how exactly does face yoga make you look younger? Well, face yoga exercises relax and strengthen the facial muscles, increasing skin elasticity to create a firmer and more toned appearance with fewer wrinkles and fine lines.

Some face yoga for anti-aging exercises involves massaging or tapping. This stimulates blood circulation and allows more oxygen and nutrients to reach the skin cells. So, face yoga also stimulates collagen production, which we all know is vital for younger-looking skin!

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Best face yoga exercises

Woman doing face yoga exercises to remove crows feet, tighten the jawline, and address forehead wrinkles.

If you're wondering if face yoga can reverse ageing, you'll be interested to know there have been studies on this that prove that, yes, face yoga can reverse ageing. In fact, one study by JAMA Dermatology found that participants who practiced daily facial exercises noted fuller cheeks and a more youthful appearance than those who didn't. 

But which facial exercises should you practice if you want to achieve younger looking skin? Here are a few of my favorites – plus, read on for detailed instructions on each one!

6 face exercises for anti aging: the shortlist

  1. Eye isolations to banish eye bags and drooping eyelids
  2. Cheek lifter (smiling with an open mouth) for fuller looking cheeks
  3. Happy cheeks massage technique to reduce laugh lines
  4. Crow’s feet eliminator applying gentle pressure to the outside of your eyes
  5. Forehead lift for diminishing fine lines
  6. Tongue curls for plumper lips

8 face yoga exercises for anti aging with how-to instructions

While facial exercises have many incredible anti-aging benefits, if you do them incorrectly or aggressively, you can actually make your wrinkles worse! So to help you avoid making yourself look older instead of younger, here are eight of the most common face yoga exercises and how to do them.

1. Eye isolations 

If you're worried about eye bags, deep eye hollows, or drooping eyelids, try this exercise, which targets under the eyes.

  1. Create a “C” shape with your thumb and index finger, then place it over your eye with the index finger above your eyebrow and thumb on the cheeks.
  2. Press your fingers downward and sideways, and open your eyes wide. Hold for five seconds as you press your index finger into your eyebrow, keeping the forehead relaxed. 
  3. Do a strong squint five times, then close your eyes briefly.

2. Cheek lifter

This is one of my favorite face yoga moves as it reduces sagginess and promotes lower cheek fullness. 

  1. Open your mouth to form an O shape. With your upper lip over your teeth, smile to lift cheek muscles up. 
  2. Place your index fingers directly under your eyes and relax the cheek muscles. 
  3. Then smile again, trying to push the muscles up towards the eyes. Do this 10 times.

3. Happy cheeks

Here is another exercise to reduce sagging cheeks and laugh lines.

  1. Make a smile with your teeth hidden, then press your middle fingers into the corners of your mouth. 
  2. Apply light pressure and slide the fingers up your cheekbones, lifting the muscle towards the corners of your eyes. 
  3. Hold for 20 seconds, maintaining the smile. 

4. Crow’s Feet eliminator

With your index fingers by the outer corners of your eyes, squint strongly so you can hardly see anything. You should feel a light shake or a pulsing sensation; hold for 15 seconds, then release.

5. Eyebrow lift

To prevent drooping eyebrows, place your index or middle fingers under them and gently lift them up, but not too far to cause wrinkles in the forehead. Hold this position for 20 seconds and do three rounds to equal about a minute in total. 

6. To increase blood flow

This is one of the best face yoga poses for increasing blood circulation.

First, drop your jaw like you're yawning, feeling a stretch in the cheek area. Next, keeping your forehead still, move your gaze up to the ceiling.

7. Forehead lift

Along with reducing the appearance of fine lines on the forehead, this stretch feels meditative and refreshing. 

  1. Create a downward V-shape with your fingers on the forehead, then pull them up slightly until you feel a stretch. 
  2. Hold for four deep breaths
  3. Close your eyes as you slide your palms down your cheek muscles, taking a deep breath.

8. Tongue curls

Try this easy mouth workout if you want fuller, more plump lips.

  1. Put your index fingers on the corners of your mouth and make a smile shape, showing your front teeth. Make sure the mouth corners are at the same level. 
  2. Curl your tongue, then slowly move it to one side (counting to 5). On another 5-count, move your tongue to the other side. 

Face yoga exercises for jowls

While I started practicing facial yoga to reduce the appearance of fine lines, many people do it to reduce sagging skin, such as jowls (below the jawline).

If you've ever lifted weights at the gym, you'll know as your muscles get stronger and bigger, the skin around them firms up. The same is true when you do facial “workouts.”

Here are a few face yoga exercises for firming up sagging skin around the jawline and chin.

  1. Form your index and middle fingers into a ‘V’ shape and use them to massage up your jawline, stroking outwards from your chin. 
  2. Make an ‘O' Shape then a smile shape then back.
  3. Wrap your lips inwards and close your mouth. Turn the corners of your mouth upwards.

For the neck muscles

This exercise tones the platysma muscle, which connects the neck and jawline.

With shoulders relaxed, turn your chin to one shoulder at a slight 45-degree angle tilted up. Next, pucker your lips into a kiss and hold for 10 seconds, then repeat on the other side.

Neck Lift

This simple pose stretches and strengthens the muscles in the jaw and the entire neck area, keeping the dreaded double chin at bay. 

Looking straight ahead, place your fingertips on the top of your neck. Then, using light pressure, move your fingers down your neck as you tilt your head back.

Takeaway about face yoga for anti aging

So there you have it. While face yoga for anti-aging may not deliver immediate results, doing regular exercises will undoubtedly make a significant difference to the appearance of your skin. And as we put so much time and effort into working the muscles in our body, doesn't it make sense to work out our face muscles too?

FAQ about face yoga

Can face yoga help sagging skin?

By practicing face yoga regularly, you can work these muscles to improve blood circulation to the different areas of the face. This will replenish the oxygen supply in the muscles and the skin, improving any sagging skin.

Does face yoga boost collagen?

Many famous aestheticians toutface yoga's ability to boost collagen. By better oxygenating the skin using face yoga movements, you will increase lymphatic drainage, giving you an all over healthy glow.

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Gemma is a Certified Yoga Teacher of over 5 years. Aside from being a CYT 200, Gemma is also certified in Yin and Yoga Nidra. Gemma is passionate about sharing her expertise of yoga and wellness through words, guiding others along the path of personal and spiritual development. She is in LOVE with everything related to personal-growth and psychology. Aside from helping others find more peace and stillness, Gemma runs a kitten rescue project in Thailand, where she is currently residing. Gemma can be reached at gemmac@theyogatique.com, or you can connect with Gemma on LinkedIn.

The Yogatique