English name: Flying pigeon
Sanskrit name: Eka Pada Galavasana
Sanskrit pronunciation: ek-ah PAH-dah GAH-la-VAH-sah-nah
Type of pose: Arm balance
Level: Advanced
Targets: Upper body

How to do this pose:
- From standing, lift one leg and cross the ankle over the standing leg knee in a figure four. Keep lifted foot flexed. Grip the mat with your fingertips. Hug your forearms in.
- Bend your standing knee to place hands onto the mat directly beneath shoulders. Spread your fingers wide with middle fingers pointing forward. Broaden your collarbones and spread your shoulder blades wide.
- Press lifted shin high onto triceps with the lifted foot wrapped around the outer arm. Gaze to the mat beyond fingertips. Draw your navel in and up.
- Rise onto the ball of the back foot. Engage the core. Bend your arms and shift forward. Push energetically through the back foot and lift the back leg to the sky. Point your back toes.
Modifications you can try:
- Rotate your hands slightly outwards.
- Place a strap above both elbows.
- Bring the lifted knee onto a block.
Misalignments to be mindful of:
- Incorrect hand positioning.
- Elbows splay outwards.
- Lack of core and hamstring engagement.
- Lack of engagement in the back foot.