English name: Firefly pose
Sanskrit name: Tittibhasana
Sanskrit pronunciation: tee-tee-BAH-sah-nah
Type of pose: Arm balance
Level: Intermediate
Targets: Upper body
How to do this pose:
- Come into a forward fold with your feet as wide as the mat. Bend your knees, rise onto the balls of your feet, and slide your shoulder behind your knees. Grip the mat with your fingertips.
- Place your fingertips shoulder distance apart on the mat behind your heels and spread your fingers wide with the middle fingers pointing forward and gaze forward.
- Hug your inner thighs on your triceps. Engage your core and drop your hips slightly, sitting onto your triceps. Hug your forearms in and broaden your collarbones.
- Lift your feet off the ground, engage your toes, and reach your feet towards the sky. Draw your navel in and up.
Modifications you can try:
- Rotate your hands slightly outwards.
- Bring your hands onto blocks.
Misalignments to be mindful of:
- Incorrect hand positioning.
- Internal rotation in the upper arms.
- Lack of hamstring flexibility, limiting the depth of the pose.