English name: Chair Pose
Sanskrit name: Utkatasana
Sanskrit pronunciation: OOT-kah-TAHS-ah-nah
Sanskrit meaning: Ukata = fierce, powerful
Type of pose: Standing
Level: Beginner
Targets: Lower body
How to do this pose:
- From a standing position, bend your knees deeply and move your weight into your heels. Spread and lift your toes and root down through all four corners of your feet.
- Bring your knees in line with the tops of your feet. Internally rotate your inner thighs together.
- Lift your arms to the sky with your palms facing one another and your fingers spread wide. Draw your navel in and up, and knit your front ribs together.
- Broaden your collarbones and spread your shoulder blades wide. Gaze forward or up.
Modifications you can try:
- Bring feet hip distance wide for stability.
- Bring arms wider than shoulder distance apart.
Misalignments to be mindful of:
- Lack of core engagement, causing anterior pelvic tilt and compression in low back.
- Shins coming too far forward.