English name: Four Limbed-Staff Pose
Sanskrit name: Chaturanga Dandasana
Sanskrit pronunciation: chaht-tour-ANG-ah don-DAHS-anna
Sanskrit meaning: chatur = four, anga = limb, danda = staff
Type of pose: Arm balance
Level: Intermediate
Targets: Full body
How to do this pose:
- From plank pose, shift forward onto the tops of your toes to bring your shoulders past your wrists. Grip the mat with your fingertips.
- Bend at your elbows to lower your body down, bringing your shoulders in line with your elbows. Hug your forearms into your midline.
- Internally rotate your inner thighs into one another, draw your navel in and up and knit your front ribs together and down to create a fully engaged pose from your legs through your torso.
- Lengthen the back of your neck and gaze down.
Modifications you can try:
- Bring your knees onto the mat for an easier variation.
Misalignments to be mindful of:
- Incorrect hand positioning.
- Elbows splaying outwards.
- Lack of core engagement.